projects, clusters and accelerator programs

Collaboration, Innovation and Sustainability

We are facilitating growth, enhancing attractiveness, fostering innovation and promoting the green transition in northern Sweden. Here, we present our spearheading pioneering projects to showcase how we do it.

Energy & Mobility

A completely new ecosystem is being built in Skellefteå and it’s linked to one of Europe's largest industrial investments - Europe's first large-scale lithium-ion battery factory. The initiative presents both challenges and opportunities, where several societal stakeholders need to work together effectively to build a strong and viable business climate.

Energy and sustainable energy supply is a crucial issue for the green transition and the opportunity for Skellefteå to grow rapidly while reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

With Skellefteå Kraft as the engine for the conversion, Skellefteå Science City contributes to the development, testing and commercialization of new innovative solutions. 

Skellefteå has launched the ELIS program with the ambition of becoming an early adopter of electric aviation and a leading hub in the commercialization of electrified aviation in Sweden and beyond.


Increasing the commercialization rate of innovations contributing to reach our energy and climate goals.


The Arctic Center of Energy is a world-leading competence center that accelerates the electrification of society. Through cutting-edge research and groundbreaking education, the Arctic Center of Energy creates the knowledge and abilities required to succeed with the sustainable energy transition.


The three-year Interreg Aurora project Bothnia Green Energy started in beginning of 2023. The project aims to stimulate cross-border collaboration and investment in sustainable energy solutions in the geographic area around Kvarken. The region's energy companies are involved in the project.

The objective of the project is to accelerate innovation and develop sustainable energy solutions through cross-border collaboration with stakeholders in the Kvarken region. What sets this project apart is the unique collaboration between the region's energy companies - Herrfors, Karleby Energi, Skellefteå Kraft, Umeå Energi, Vasa Elektriska, and Övik Energi - who are working together in this endeavor.


The project will promote collaboration between research, development and innovation. The goal is to make the region's small and medium-sized companies even more competitive and relevant in the ongoing green societal transformation.


The project aims to enhance the sustainable development and competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses in northern Sweden over a three-year period. By improving access to innovation environments and testbeds, the project empowers these companies to create new and enhanced products and services. Additionally, it seeks to bolster their access to knowledge and tools for systematic innovation while fostering collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises, large corporations, academic institutions, and research centers.

Read more about the project
Article - New Project Unlocks New Opportunities for Regional Business

Do you have a good idea and want to collaborate with a leading energy company? With new technologies and smart solutions, the way to increased resource efficiency, circularity and climate adaptation is shown in our thriving region.

From October 1, 2023, a new application period opens for the program that allows your ideas to be realized with the support of a broad competence base and financially strong partners.

The program is a focused investment aimed at long-term cooperation with established and new players.


Game Industry

Arctic Game is a collaboration between Umeå, Skellefteå, Luleå and Boden that is working to create a strategic platform for the game industry in northern Sweden; with business development, investment support, game educations and events to build a strong games community.


The overall goal for the project is to create a sustainable, growing, and cohesive games industry with more jobs and new establishments in Norr- and Västerbotten.


Through amplified cross-sectoral exchange, utilization of cutting-edge technology, and innovative game methodologies, this project aims to elevate the significance of collaboration and innovation between the creative tech sector and other industries.


BSG-Go! is a collaborative project with a three-year duration, aiming to establish a community for young game developers and entrepreneurs. Its primary focus is on enhancing communication competencies to ensure stable growth in the game industry. The project involves 13 partners from seven countries and is co-funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region.

Arctic Game leads one of the project's work packages and is actively involved in several others. The work package we lead focuses on exploring the possibility of establishing an alliance among European game hubs and clusters to foster transnational collaboration and networking.


The European Videogame Accelerator (EVA) is designed to support studios in achieving ambitious growth and success while preserving cultural value. Since its inception in 2016, EVA has successfully supported over 80 studios. The annual pan-European program spans six intense months of workshops, networking, and one-on-one mentoring.

EVA guides studios in making the transition from having a functioning prototype to becoming a financially independent and successful entity. The program provides a pathway to intellectual property (IP) and a robust support network across Europe and beyond.


The project aims to create increased cooperation between Swedish XR developers, the computer game industry and other industries in order to contribute to strengthened entrepreneurship, increased exports, digitization and talent attraction.


The project will create an innovative prototype that combines several technologies in order to be able to visualize in a new way, and create creative dialogue around, larger construction projects.


Games are part of the creative and digital industry, which are important areas for Skellefteå and contribute to the diversification of business life.

Since 2016, a regional investment in the gaming industry – funded by the municipalities of Umeå, Skellefteå, Luleå and Boden – has been underway in northern Sweden. Skellefteå Science City is tasked with driving this initiative, with financial support from the municipalities, local regions and several projects. 

Skellefteå Science City runs several innovative projects in this area, both regionally, nationally and internationally.


We disrupt norms and develop infrastructures for the knowledge-driven society of tomorrow.

In the midst of the intersection between academia, the public sector and business, we play a vital role in ensuring that Skellefteå continues to command the global spotlight. We are fueling the momentum in northern Sweden by enhancing the growth of the business sector through increased innovation and attractiveness. By challenging the status quo, our unwavering dedication to sustainability and inclusivity has fostered a diverse array of companies.

On behalf of Vinnova, Skellefteå Science City provides finance in the form of innovation-checks up to 100 000 SEK. The finance is in intended to pay for external expertise within business development, infrastructure and intangible assets for small- and medium sized companies to enable the development of new ideas, strengthen their innovation capacity and increase their competitiveness.


More information coming soon