Welcome to the seminar for eVTOL and drone ports, February 15, 2023

ELIS invites to a seminar where we present the outcome of two innovative projects aimed to accelerate the introduction of electric vertical take off and landing aircraft (eVTOLs) and drones in the transport system.

Welcome to the seminar for eVTOL and drone ports, February 15, 2023

Welcome to a seminar where we will present the results from two projects regarding eVTOL and drone ports

Date: February 15
Time: 9:00-12:00
Place: On site at Skellefteå Science Park or digitally


Test track for eVTOL

This project has investigated opportunities and challenges in the air and on the ground for eVTOL flights between Northvolt ETT and Skellefteå Airport.

Logistic Center with drone port

This project has examined the opportunity of establishing a drone port at a brand new logistic site being built in Skellefteå at Hammarängen. 

This is an opportunity to understand the development towards electric aviation and use of drones in Skellefteå and the wider region. Join us on this day as we share new knowledge uncovered through the two projects, lessons learned and the way forward.


Questions: Please reach out to


Coffee & sandwich

09:00 Introduction
09:15 The eVTOL project - Henrik Littorin, Program Manager at ELIS & Johnny Johansson LTU
10:10 BREAK
10:25 Planning for a drone port when building a brand new logistics center in Skellefteå.
11:15 Panel discussion "The future of electric aviation, drones and mobility"
12:00 End of seminar


Sign up here


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