Samira Nair is a second-year Master’s student in Space Science and Technology at Luleå Technical University (LTU). While she was researching for her thesis, Samira found out about the opportunities to work from Skellefteå Science Park.
- The program is based in Kiruna, but since I live in Skellefteå I took the opportunity to write my thesis from Skellefteå Science Park. This is a great place for people who are studying online or don’t want to sit at home. Here you can find your own space to work without being disturbed, Samira says.
Samira’s thesis is on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests in open areas. The main goal of her research is to develop and plan open area test sites (OATS) for EMC radiated emissions tests for aircraft as a whole system, as currently there are only tests for equipment inside the aircraft, not for the system as a whole. This type of testing for the aircraft as a whole system has not been done before and Samira’s work on EMC could be groundbreaking.
- EMC is critical to human safety and life. Every technical equipment has EMC, including spacecraft, aircraft and cars. EMC testing is an important process for ensuring that electronic devices and systems function properly in their intended operating environment, without interfering with other systems, says Samira.
Her tests and EMC tracking will first be conducted in an EMC chamber at LTU, and then in an open area test site at Skellefteå Airport. By conducting these tests in open areas, Samira aims to create a better understanding of how electromagnetic fields behave in the space environment and how they can affect spacecraft, as well as other electronic systems. Her research will help ensure that future spacecraft and related systems are properly designed to function in the harsh space environments without causing harmful interference to other systems.
- When I was researching for my thesis, I was looking for spacecraft projects around Skellefteå and found out about the ELIS program, in which Skellefteå Science City is involved. That’s how I found out about the possibility to work from here, Samira says.
Samira will be working from Skellefteå Science Park until the summer. When she has finished her studies she hopes to be able to start her own company in space technology, or work with companies and projects connected to space or aircraft.
➔ Students, researchers and scientists have the opportunity to use the facilities at Skellefteå Science Park, for one semester, completely free of charge. Beside from the ergonomic workspace, you can also connect with our eco system of support for innovation, entrepreneurship, collaboration and knowledge sharing at Skellefteå Science Park.
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Samira Nair läser sitt andra år på masterprogrammet Rymdvetenskap och rymdteknik vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Just nu skriver hon sin avhandling om elektromagnetisk kompatibilitetstestning (EMC) för flygplanssystem och utför EMC-tester på bland annat Skellefteå Airport. Samiras arbete kan vara helt banbrytande då liknande tester aldrig gjorts tidigare på flygplanssystemet i sin helhet.
Programmets studieort är på Rymdcampus i Kiruna, men under våren 2023 tar Samira möjligheten att arbeta från Skellefteå Science Park, helt kostnadsfritt.
- Eftersom jag bor i Skellefteå letade jag efter spännande projekt i närheten och kom i kontakt med Skellefteå Science City och ELIS programmet. Det är även så jag fick reda på möjligheten att arbeta från Skellefteå Science Park, säger Samira.
Skellefteå Science City erbjuder studenter, forskare och vetenskapspersoner att kostnadsfritt arbeta från Skellefteå Science Park under tre månader. Utöver en ergonomisk arbetsplats med höj- och sänkbara skrivbord och stora datorskärmar finns här även möjlighet att hitta nya spännande samarbeten och få stöd med innovationsutveckling och entreprenörskap.
Vill du veta mer om Skellefteå Science Park?
Välkommen att kontakta Pernilla Lindmark